Jones Homes 123 Main Street
Anytown, NY 20317
(212) 555-4321
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Jones Homes
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 Concerns About Disability | If someone in your household uses a wheelchair, has a sight or hearing impairment, or any other disability requiring special features in your home, you usually can find a builder to accommodate your needs. If you contact a builder when a home is in the preconstruction or early construction stage, the builder may be able to install items such as the following:
- Wheelchair ramps
- Custom handrails and bars
- Specially designed toilets and bathroom fixtures
- Special locks and viewing devices for exterior doors
- Special shelving and kitchen cabinetry
- Special wiring
- Wider doorways
Depending upon the item and when you make the request, a builder may be able to install some special features free or at cost. Other customized items may be treated as change orders for which you would be charged the normal change order fee.
